Il 18/09/2013 23:22, Ludovic Marcotte ha scritto:

We've been pretty silent when it came to Active Sync support in SOGo for
multiple reasons.

First of all, there are licensing implications with Microsoft Active
Sync. Moreover, there's a plethora of Active Sync implementations out
there. We also wanted to see how vendors would adopt CalDAV/CardDAV, how
down the drain Funambol would go and the market's impact of the new
Windows/Blackberry phones.

IMHO with CalDAV/CardDAV and Active Sync support, Funambol no longer makes sense to exist.

Already today with only CalDAV and CardDAV Funambol is "useful" only for (old) Blackberry device, which, however, are always less.

On my SOGo server (with some thousands of users) we have disabled the support for Funambol some months ago.

After digesting all the above for a few weeks, we came to the conclusion
we should most likely add Active Sync support to SOGo.

Great news!

Alessio Cecchi is:
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