
Any update on this? Can't wait for that. :)


Em 18-09-2013 18:22, Ludovic Marcotte escreveu:

We've been pretty silent when it came to Active Sync support in SOGo for multiple reasons.

First of all, there are licensing implications with Microsoft Active Sync. Moreover, there's a plethora of Active Sync implementations out there. We also wanted to see how vendors would adopt CalDAV/CardDAV, how down the drain Funambol would go and the market's impact of the new Windows/Blackberry phones.

After digesting all the above for a few weeks, we came to the conclusion we should most likely add Active Sync support to SOGo.

Over the past few days, I've been (and still are) in contact with an IP Licensing person at Microsoft. We had interesting discussions which led us to believe we could:

 1. create an Active Sync bundle in SOGo for synchronization
 2. license it under a free but non-GPL (BSD, for example)
 3. distribute it for free

We can't use the GPL because of patents restrictions. Z-Push/OPush/Synchotron are all using patented technologies without a license and Microsoft currently does not license to GPL implementations - so using these is not an option.

Since the addition of Active Sync support in SOGo would be a server-side implementation, there would be a per-mailbox fee to use it. That fee, would have to be paid to Microsoft directly. On our end, everything would be free of use.

Evidently, if we start working on Active Sync support in SOGo, we'll definitively drop Funambol support - which is probably even more exciting then adding Active Sync support.

Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca   ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 

*Marcio Merlone*
TI - Administrador de redes

*A1 Engenharia - Unidade Corporativa*
Fone:   +55 41 3616-3797
Cel:    +55 41 9689-0036

http://www.a1.ind.br/ <http://www.a1.ind.br>

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