On 2014-01-20 16:19, Steve Ankeny wrote:
> Pursuant to the documentation found here:
> http://www.sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGo%20Installation%20Guide.pdf
> Pg. 6 [PDF 8]
> Assumptions
> SOGo reuses many components in an infrastructure. Thus, it requires the
> following :
> ❏ Database server (MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle)
> ❏ LDAP server (OpenLDAP, Novell eDirectory, Microsoft Active Directory
> and others)
> ❏ SMTP server (Postfix, Sendmail and others)
> ❏ IMAP server (Courier, Cyrus IMAP Server, Dovecot and others)

To elaborate: Thunderbird needs to know the following servers:

• SMTP server (can be provided via Thunderbird's autoconfig mechanism)
• IMAP server (same)
• (cal|card)DAV server (provided via sogo Integrator)

Thunderbird CAN use the following services in addition:

• SOGo XPI update server (Integrator, hardcoded to DAV server)
• LDAP address book server (provided by: ?)

> In this guide, we assume that all those components are running on the
> same server (i.e.,
> “localhost” or “”) that SOGo will be installed on.
> Documentation "assumes" the various components are all running on the
> same server.
> Pg. 50 [PDF 52]
> Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning
> Alternatively, you can access SOGo with a GroupDAV and a CalDAV client.
> A typical well-
> integrated setup is to use Mozilla Thunderbird and Mozilla Lightning
> along with Inverse's SOGo
> Connector plug in to synchronize your address books and the Inverse's
> SOGo Integrator plug in
> to provide a complete integration of the features of SOGo into
> Thunderbird and Lightning. Refer
> to the documentation of Thunderbird to configure an initial IMAP account
> pointing to your
> SOGo server and using the user name and password mentioned above.
> With the SOGo Integrator plug in, your calendars and address books will
> be automatically
> discovered when you login in Thunderbird. This plug in can also
> propagate specific extensions
> and default user settings among your site. However, be aware that in
> order to use the SOGo
> Intergrator plug in, you will need to repackage it with specific
> modifications.
> Obviously, IF your SOGo server is not hosting the IMAP account, it must
> be pointed elsewhere.
> And, just as obviously, the SOGo Intergrator will discover the calendars
> and address books.
> On 01/20/2014 08:26 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
>> On 2014-01-18 2:45 PM, Steve Ankeny <stev...@cinergymetro.net> wrote:
>>> You stated your mail server is different than your SOGo server and both
>>> are running as virtual machines.  SOGo is not a mail server. It would
>>> seem logical to point your mailboxes to the mail server.
>> I agree it seems logical, but my point is the documentations doesn't
>> say one way or another.
>> I may be a bit anal about these kinds of things, but I dislike
>> ambiguity in technical documentation. It should state precisely how to
>> set up your accounts.
>> That said, we don't have a working setup yet, so it may become
>> painfully obvious once we get that far.
>>> However, if your calendars are on the SOGo server, those URLs would
>>> reference the SOGo server.
>> I hope you are correct and this is indeed how it will work (mail
>> clients only talking to SOGo server for Calendar/Contacts syncing).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas
TAO Beratungs- und Management GmbH | Lendplatz 45 | A - 8020 Graz
Mail/XMPP: sven.schwe...@tao.at | +43 (0)680 301 7167

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