
Thanks for a reply :)

Den 27. juli 2015 13:26, skrev Steve Ankeny:
It sounds to me like you're mixing technologies --

"domain login" (whether Windows or Samba AD) and SOGo webmail
What I mean by "login domain" is the domain directive in the sogo.conf file. Perhaps "SOGo domain" is a better word for it? Currently you can log in to the webmail client (in multi-domain setup) by either appending the domain to the username (e.g user@domain) or using the SOGoLoginDomains directive which gives you a drop-down of the available domains. It is not related to "domain login" through an AD server.
Perhaps no one has responded simply because they are unsure what you're trying to do.
Sure :)
IF you already have SOGo webmail available via two domains, are you running two instances of SOGo and two instances of your mail server (Dovecot/Postfix, etc.) or have you configured one instance to work for both?
I am running one instance of SOGo and of Dovecot/Postifix. I use nginx as a reverse proxy to make SOGo available on more than one DNS domain. I would like use an HTTP header set by nginx to select which SOGo domain to use. So that when a user logins through mail.customer1.com the SOGo domain "customer1" is used. I would like to avoid having the user select "customer1" with a drop-down or by appending it to the user-name (e.g. username@customer1).


domains = {
    customer1 = {
    customer2 = {

The idea is to be able to use the same SOGo instance for several small customers, and make it look like they have their own instance. So that the same user-name can be used by different customers without a name conflict.

And, IF you have two "domain logins" are you running two AD servers?

Does domain login come before webmail login, etc? I may be totally off-base (sorry)
AD do not come into this at all. I realize now that the term "login domain" can be confused with "domain login". I am talking about what the SOGo installation Guide (http://www.sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGo%20Installation%20Guide.pdf) calls "Multi-domains Configuration".

I hope this clarifies what I am trying to do.

Nils Fredrik Gjerull
"Ministry of Eternal Affairs"
Computer Department
( Not an official title :) )


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