On 10/14/2015 03:06 PM, Chris Coleman wrote:

On 10/14/2015 7:58 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:
On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
It appears that the openchange.org documentation page is showing an example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer to run code against the server, with python scripts included to help get it going for the tutorial. It seems in a different order but really all it means is you should do all the things in the sogo PDF setup document for openchange (native outlook client compatibility PDF) first, which initializes certain data inside the databases, so that their openchange developer server setup doesn't produce errors due to uninitialized data.

forgot to say, I am considering removing ALL of OpenChange (maybe even purging) and starting again

Would this be the best way around my problem?

You can try:
sudo openchange_provision --standalone --ignore_already_exists

thx, Chris . . .

I'll try this, and if not successful, post my errors on the developer's list as you suggest.


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