Folks, Hi


I’ve got SOGO working fine with multiple domains, separated into different OUs 
in my LDAP (Samba4).  I’m using the email address as the login name – which 
works well for Sogo/dovecot/postfix logins.


However – I don’t seem to be able to get OCSManager to authenticate my 
autodiscover.xml properly.  It comes up with an HTTP-AUTH box which seems to 
connect and work using LDAP correctly initially, but once it gets into the 
‘pulling information out of Samba’ part to generate the autodiscover response, 
the Samba NTLM searches fail as they are searching for the email address.


There doesn’t seem to be any documentation for Openchange *anywhere*, beyond 
the example setup in the SOGo docs.  


Q1. Will Openchange support multipledomains/login via LDAP and pulling 
information from there?

Q1. If not is Openchange a requirement for Exchange ActiveSync functionality? 
It seems like a dead development… ☹

Q2. If not – is there any documentation on what the autodiscover.xml response 
should look like to tell remote Outlook to use EAS instead of using OCSManager 
to generate it?


May thanks in advance…




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