hello siegfried,
not sure if i got you right (created a test user and added several calendars called room1, room,..)
maybe it's best to reate the roms as ldap resources (see https://sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGoInstallationGuide.html 5.4. Authentication using LDAP ff), kind = thing specifying a MultipleBookingsFieldName and setting it to 1.
btw: is there a reason to use version 2.3.* - why not use 3.2.* ?
hth, sggs
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 at 4:48 PM
From: "\"\\\"Siegfried Kurz\\\"\" (sk...@hit-john.de)" <users@sogo.nu>
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: [SOGo] Block making two entries in one calendar at the same time


at the moment we are evaluating SOGo Version 2.3.22 on 16.04.3 LTS.

The goal is to replace mrbs (Meeting Room Booking System,
which ist integrated into our software MIDAS, a software-package for Hearing
Aid Dispensers.

So far, we found that SOGo fits to our needs very well, but there is one
critical point left.

This is what we have done so far:

We created a test user and added several calendars called room1, room2,
room3. Then we chose the "Multicolumn Dayview" and the calendars are
displayed side by side.

But it is possible to create more than one calendar entries for the same
calendar and the same time.
This means that one room can be occupied by more than once, but this is not
the way it should work.

For example, in the tine20 calendar, it is not possible to create two
entries in one calendar at the same time.

We've searched this list exhaustively and found some hints to use the
"MultipleBookingsFieldName" configuration option,
but we could not get it to work.

So here are my questions:

1.) Is it possible to configure SOGo to behave as described above?

2.) If the answer is yes, what configurations would I have to make?

My Configuration so far:
/etc/sogo/sogo.conf everything is commented out

/var/lib/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/sogod.plist see attachment.

Mysql config:

mysql -u sogo -p
Enter password:
mysql> use sogo;
mysql> select c_uid,c_name,kind,multiple_bookings from sogo.sogo_users;
| c_uid | c_name | kind | multiple_bookings |
| bene | bene | thing | 1 |
| rudi | rudi | thing | 1 |
| sogo | sogo | thing | 1 |

I hope, I could give You enough information.
Any hint is welcome, thanks in advance

Best Regards

Siegfried Kurz

E-Mail : mailto:sk...@hit-john.de


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