On 2018-10-29 15:33, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
Now I am stuck with the user being able to successfully authenticate (SQL auth or LDAP auth both working) but after auth it returns to the login screen. I've enabled all possible debugging but can't figure out why it doesn't go further. Any idea?

This usually happens when the server returns a cookie associated to a
domain different than the one used to access SOGo. You can force a
specific domain by modifying the SOGo.conf file for Apache (see

Thanks, actually I was
1) using an IP address
2) using http instead of https
to access SOGo.

I have temporarily changed the Apache configuration to read
RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "http://%{HTTP_HOST}e"; env=HTTP_HOST
(instead of "https://..."; and all is well.

Thanks again for the hint.

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