Hi Chris,

thanks for your suggestion using SQL for calendar resources.

I added it to my sogo.conf to give it a try.

Unfortunately, the SOGo Web Interface is not accessible anymore having added it (502 Bad Gateway).

Could it be that in order to use both LDAP and SQL user sources some further configurations have to be performed?



Am 22.10.2018 um 20:58 schrieb Chris:
On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 16:00:16 +0200

In the SOGo Installation manual
https://sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGoInstallationGuide.html I read about a
further attrbute called 'MultipleBookingsFieldName'. BUT: LDAP does
not provide this attribute!

If one modified the schema, maybe it would work, I don't know. I'm
using LDAP for users, but mySQL for ressources:

         type = sql;
         id = Ressourcen;
        displayName = "Ressourcen";
         viewURL = "mysql://sogo:pass@localhost:3306/sogo/sogo_users";
         canAuthenticate = YES;
         isAddressBook = YES;
         userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;
        KindFieldName = kind;
        MultipleBookingsFieldName = multiple_bookings;
        listRequiresDot = NO;

- Chris


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