Hi Michal,

thank you very much for your reply.

Great to know, that generally LDAP calendar resources in SOGo work without restriction.

I guess that you do not use the iRedMail OpenLDAP server, because I do and there's no objectClass mailGroup available.

My iRedMail OpenLDAP installation provides these mail-related objectClasses:

- mailAdmin
- mailAlias
- mailDomain
- mailExternalUser
- mailList
- mailUser

BTW: If you use mailGroup, how do you login with the resource's account into SOGo in order to set the ACL? Are group accounts capable to login to SOGo in your environment?



Am 31.10.2018 um 13:16 schrieb Michal Kminek (mkmi...@getnet.cz):
Hi Irma,

we use LDAP for users and resources. Just to comment some entries, Multiplebookings attribute works as expected the resource can be booked only once if set to 1, free/busy is shown correctly.

We use mailgroup class so that our resource can have its own email address, the email address is fictitious. With mailgroup class comes email attribute. Additionally our resource is located in the same tree (ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) as the other users. As a result when creating a new event with the resource as a participant we get a hint (name of the resource) after writing first three letters (Mee...). It's given by the fact that SOGo offers hints only from the first configured LDAP resource in sogo.conf. It works in SOGo web interface and in Thunderbird with SOGo Integrator.

The calendar has set the following right "View Time and Date" for "All Authenticated Users".

Here is our LDAP entry - LDIF:

dn: cn=Meeting Room,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Multiplebookings: 1
Kind: location
cn: Meeting Room
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: calendarresource
objectClass: calEntry
objectClass: account
objectClass: mailgroup
mail: meetingro...@example.com
sn: meetingrooom
uid: meetingrooom
parentid: 4
creatorsname: cn=directory manager
nsuniqueid: 741f2031-e1b221e6-81e6eeab-baae8424
entryid: 106
hassubordinates: FALSE
entrydn: cn=Meeting Room,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
numsubordinates: 0
subschemasubentry: cn=schema
modifiersname: cn=directory manager

Kind Regards,


Dne 30.10.2018 v 14:37 Rene Schroth (rene.schr...@mmlab.de) napsal(a):
Approved that it is an LDAP issue:

- Removed objectClasses calEntry and CalendarResource from Meetingroom's LDAP set.

- Result: Free/Busy times are being displayed during event creation!

Again the question: Is there anybody with a working LDAP resources setup who could provide a sample LDIF of a resource?

Thank you!



My resources' Free/Busy times still won't work.

For normal users, Free/Busy times work fine!

Here's more detail about the configurations.

(1) Resource 'meetingroom' created in LDAP, resides in the same OU as the normal users. Has same objectClasses and attributes as normal user accounts PLUS objectClasses 'calEntry' and 'CalendarResource' with their attributes [values] 'Kind' [location] and 'Multiplebookings' [1]. Meetingroom's full LDAP set:


dn: mail=meetingr...@mycompany.com,ou=Users,domainName=mycompany.com,o=domains,dc=mycompany,dc=com
mail: meetingr...@mycompany.com
mailQuota: 1048576
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: mailUser
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: amavisAccount
objectClass: person
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: calEntry
objectClass: CalendarResource
storageBaseDirectory: /data/mboxes
enabledService: indexer-worker
enabledService: doveadm
enabledService: dsync
enabledService: shadowaddress
enabledService: displayedInGlobalAddressBook
enabledService: mail
enabledService: forwarding
enabledService: deliver
enabledService: lda
enabledService: lmtp
enabledService: smtp
enabledService: smtpsecured
enabledService: imap
enabledService: imapsecured
enabledService: imaptls
enabledService: managesieve
enabledService: managesievesecured
enabledService: sogo
enabledService: sieve
enabledService: sievesecured
enabledService: forward
enabledService: senderbcc
enabledService: recipientbcc
enabledService: internal
enabledService: lib-storage
amavisLocal: TRUE
accountStatus: active
shadowLastChange: 0
mailHost: localhost
cn: Meetingroom
gidNumber: 2104
homeDirectory: /data/mboxes/vmail1/mycompany.com/meetingroom/
mailMessageStore: vmail1/mycompany.com/meetingroom/
loginShell: /sbin/nologin
sn: Meetingroom
uid: meetingroom
uidNumber: 2104
userPassword: {CRYPT}$6$ncaXAOch$FuQ9weAfqMUvbKlsam2X/e13t0cIMrnvz/S7q/XqrWq4xyK
displayName: Meetingroom
Multiplebookings: 1
Kind: location


(2) ACL settings on Meetingroom's SOGo Personal Calendar:

Any Authenticated User:
- Public / View All
- Confidential / View All
- Private / View All
- This person can create objects in my calendar: NOT CHECKED
- This person can erase objects from my calendar: NOT CHECKED

(3) ACL settings on all Testusers' SOGo Personal Calendars:

Any Authenticated User:
- Public / View the Date & Time
- Confidential / View the Date & Time
- Private / View the Date & Time
- This person can create objects in my calendar: NOT CHECKED
- This person can erase objects from my calendar: NOT CHECKED


- Testuser us...@mycompany.com creates event1 on his SOGo Personal Calendar, inviting testuser us...@mycompany.com and meetingr...@mycompany.com.

- Meetingroom auto-accepts invitation and adds event to its SOGo Personal Calendar.

- User2 gets invitation mail and event with dashed line in his mailbox and SOGo Personal Calendar respectively.

- User2 accepts invitation (manual action). Event's line continuous now.

- User1 gets confirmation mail and event status on all involved calendars show that both Meetingroom and User2 have accepted invitation.

- Testuser us...@mycompany.com creates event2 overlapping event1's times, inviting User2, User4 and Meetingroom:
-- Free/Busy times of User2 show: BLOCKED
-- Free/Busy times of User4 show: FREE
-- Free/Busy times of Meetingroom: FREE

Conclusion: Everything works like expected, excepted Meetingroom's Free/Busy times. It should show BLOCKED on the 2nd event!

Does anybody have OpenLDAP resources work correctly on SOGo?

Thank you very much!



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