
On 1/25/19 3:37 AM, Pedro Antunes (pantu...@suroot.pt) wrote:

how i can create an distribution list (alias) that contain all mailboxes of one domain? its possible?

It’s possible restrict who can send emails to one alias?

We do this in our accounts backend (ldap/AD) by creating a group, give it an email address, and add users to it.

Then in sogo.conf we add a specific user source, something like:

    type = ldap;
    CNFieldName = displayName;
    IDFieldName = cn;
    UIDFieldName = uid;
    baseDN = "CN=Groups,DC=....";
    canAuthenticate = NO;
    bindDN = "cn=sogo-groups,cn=.....";
    bindPassword = ....;
    displayName = "Our groups";
    listRequiresDot = NO;
    MailFieldNames =(mail, otherMailbox, proxyAddresses);
    id = ad-mail-groups;
    isAddressBook = YES;
    port = 389;
    scope = "SUB";
    filter = "(objectClass=group)";

You also need to configure postfix to handle these same groups.

About restrictions: I guess I'd look at the postfix side of things for restrictions. But I don't have an answer ready for you.


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