
I implemented something like that in the backend, too. I’m using OpenLDAP.

I have a script (PHP CLI script as part of a Zend Framework management 
frontend) that uses a config file containing some LDAP searches to 
automatically add/remove users to/from groups based on some attributes. That 
part is hard to share, but it shouldn’t be too hard implementing it with some 
Shell script if you are using the LDAP backend, too.

Regarding restrictions:
As MJ proposed, I handle that in Postfix.

In main.cf, after smtpd_recipient_restrictions and smtpd_data_restrictions, 
there is a section:
# allow setting action internal_user_lookup to disallow non-listed users as 
smtpd_restriction_classes =
internal_user_lookup =
    check_sender_access ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-internal_user_lookup.cf,
    # reject if not successful

ldap-internal_user_lookup.cf looks like this:
# resolve all mail addresses to OK (for checking of internal users)
query_filter = 
result_attribute = mail
result_format = OK
(LDAP config is missing here)

# the same message for all
/^(.*)$/        550 5.4.1 Delivery to this mailbox is not permitted for you

You see the point - if the sender address is somewhere in my Directory, the 
LDAP result returns OK - Mail is accepted. Otherwise, it returns no result and 
the second check is performed.

# postmap -q kreutzer.christ...@yesthatsmymail.com 
# postmap -q kreutzer.christ...@example.com 
(no result)
# postmap -q kreutzer.christ...@example.com 
550 5.4.1 Delivery to this mailbox is not permitted for you

That always returns the 550 so the message will be rejected.

But how is internal_user_lookup actually enforced? This is how I’ve got it done:
# get recipient policy for a mail group
query_filter = (&(objectClass=mailGroup)(|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s)))
result_attribute = mgrpBroadcasterPolicy

main.cf again:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
    check_recipient_access ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-check_recipient_access.cf,

So, for every incoming mail I make a call to that LDAP search above. If the 
group has the attribute mgrpBroadcasterPolicy set to internal_user_lookup 
(that’s the only value that will be set at the moment, otherwise it won’t 
exist), the defined smtpd_restriction_class is called. Which does what I 
described above.

Hope that helps :-) The postfix docs are actually really good, but it’s complex 
to implement. Sometimes you just need a test setup. I got started there, I 
believe: http://www.postfix.org/LDAP_README.html 

Best regards,

> Am 25.01.2019 um 13:09 schrieb mj (li...@merit.unu.edu) <users@sogo.nu>:
> Hi,
> On 1/25/19 3:37 AM, Pedro Antunes (pantu...@suroot.pt) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how i can create an distribution list (alias) that contain all mailboxes of 
>> one domain? its possible?
>> It’s possible restrict who can send emails to one alias?
> We do this in our accounts backend (ldap/AD) by creating a group, give it an 
> email address, and add users to it.
> Then in sogo.conf we add a specific user source, something like:
>>    type = ldap;
>>    CNFieldName = displayName;
>>    IDFieldName = cn;
>>    UIDFieldName = uid;
>>    baseDN = "CN=Groups,DC=....";
>>    canAuthenticate = NO;
>>    bindDN = "cn=sogo-groups,cn=.....";
>>    bindPassword = ....;
>>    displayName = "Our groups";
>>    listRequiresDot = NO;
>>    MailFieldNames =(mail, otherMailbox, proxyAddresses);
>>    id = ad-mail-groups;
>>    isAddressBook = YES;
>>    port = 389;
>>    scope = "SUB";
>>    filter = "(objectClass=group)";
> You also need to configure postfix to handle these same groups.
> About restrictions: I guess I'd look at the postfix side of things for 
> restrictions. But I don't have an answer ready for you.
> MJ
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists


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