
I'm having the same question/problem. We are too planning on using resources in sogo but I didn't yet find a comfortable way on how to manage them.

Our goal is to automate as much as possible with a script.
        - creation of the ldap object
        - creation of the default calendar object
        - setting of acls

But as Luca Olivetti pointed out there is no way to create the default calendar object with sogo-tool.

I cannot find a sogo-tool option to create the default Calendar/personal for the user

Without the default calendar, you can't set acls and therefore not use the resource.

        What is the common way on managing resources via script?

Or to rephrase how do you manage your resources? Logging in as resource or using admin users is not an option for us.

Kind regards
Thomas Winterstein

On 25.3.20 12:23, Luca Olivetti (l...@wetron.es) wrote:
El 25/3/20 a les 11:14, Luca Olivetti ha escrit:

I configured samba4 according to http://wiki.sogo.nu/ResourceConfiguration

Now I have my resources in ldap and  everything seems to be working.
I'm trying to script the creation of resources by combining ldapadd (to create the resource in samba) and sogo-tool (to assign the ACLs). The problem is that after creating the user sogo-tool manage-acl doesn't work since the resource has not yet a calendar. I cannot find a sogo-tool option to create the default Calendar/personal for the user (I tried "sogo-tool checkup" which does nothing and "sogo-tool create-folder" which does not create the default calendar).
The only way I found to create the calendar is to use

   curl --user "${USER}" "https://my.sogo.host/SOGo/so/${ID}/freebusy.ifb";

(where USER is the current user with access to SOGo and ID is the id of the resource).

And I just found that it only works (i.e. creates the default calendar) if I give a WRONG password for a VALID user. An invalid user gives me forbidden, a valid password doesn't create the calendar (i see in the resulting vcalendar that ATTENDEE is "mailto:(null)").
That's strange.

Isn't there a better way?


Thomas Winterstein .................... http://www.rz.uni-augsburg.de/
Universität Augsburg, Rechenzentrum ............. Tel. (0821) 598-2068
86135 Augsburg .................................. Fax. (0821) 598-2028

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