Hi all,

I'm trying to query address books via rest api:

 * @api {get} /so/:username/Contacts/:addressbookId/view List cards
 * @apiVersion 1.0.0
 * @apiName GetContactsList
 * @apiGroup Contacts
 * @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
 *     curl -i http://localhost/SOGo/so/sogo1/Contacts/personal/view?search=name_or_address\&value=Bob
 * @apiParam {Boolean} [partial] Send all contacts IDs and headers of the first 50 contacts. Defaults to false.  * @apiParam {Boolean} [asc] Descending sort when false. Defaults to true (ascending).  * @apiParam {String} [sort] Sort field. Either c_cn, c_mail, c_screenname, c_o, or c_telephonenumber.  * @apiParam {String} [search] Field criteria. Either name_or_address, category, or organization.
 * @apiParam {String} [value] String to match

 It returns always all contacts ignoring everything after question mark in url.
 I don't understand if it's my fault or there is a bug.
 Would be nice if search string could accept phone numbers too.

 Thanks for your help.



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