Hi Marina,

> I am able to send a mail from address us...@abcd.tld to
> us...@domain1.tld when using SOGo's webfrontend. But using the
> Webfrontend I cannot send an email to external services like
> user.n...@gmail.com or anything like that. 
This sounds like a configuration problem on the postfix configuration.
Is it handling incoming email differently when they come from the inside
of your network?

> Jan 13 12:26:04 sogod [27233]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri
> '/SOGo/so/orange/Mail/0/folderINBOX/folderDrafts/newDraft1610537152-1/send'
> Jan 13 12:26:05 sogod [27233]: [WARN]
> <0x0x55f51340a7c0[SOGoUserDefaults]> expected an NSString for
> 'SOGoMailComposeFontSize' (ignored)
> Jan 13 12:26:05 sogod [27233]: [ERROR] <0x0x55f513552a50[SOGoMailer]>
> Could not connect to the SMTP server smtp://abc.tld
> Jan 13 12:26:05 sogod [27233]: |SOGo| request took 0.666737 seconds to
> execute
> I mean, why do I get a relay-denied-error from the recipient's
> server?! Why does sogo try to send via google or yahoo or whoever, I
> want to send via my smtp-server defined in sogo.conf - this gives me a
> headache.

Where do you see the relay denied error?

> *Second Case: *
> Keeping everything the same but changing the smtp-line in sogo.conf to
> SOGoSMTPServer = "smtp://abc.tld:587/?tls=YES";
> results in  an errormessage in the browser-window saying: 
> Requires state 2, now 1
> and in the log I find: 
> Jan 13 12:36:31 sogod [29373]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri
> '/SOGo/so/orange/Mail/0/folderINBOX/folderDrafts/newDraft1610537787-1/send'
> Jan 13 12:36:31 sogod [29373]: [WARN]
> <0x0x5562213901e0[SOGoUserDefaults]> expected an NSString for
> 'SOGoMailComposeFontSize' (ignored)
> 2021-01-13 12:36:31.750 sogod[29373:29373] ERROR(-[NGActiveSSLSocket
> startTLS]): couldn't setup SSL connection on host
> abc.tld (error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1))...
> 2021-01-13 12:36:31.750 sogod[29373:29373] SMTP: unable to perform
> STARTTLS on socket
> Jan 13 12:36:31 sogod [29373]: [ERROR] <0x0x5562213bdf60[SOGoMailer]>
> Could not connect to the SMTP server smtp://abc.tld:587/?tls=YES
> Jan 13 12:36:31 sogod [29373]: |SOGo| request took 0.566150 seconds to
> execute

This is odd, is it possible that certificate validation fails? Can you
try from the command line:

openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect abc.tld:587 | openssl x509
-noout -text

And then validate the given hostname is in the certificates subject or
alternative name.

> *Third case: *
> Changing the smtp-line to 
> SOGoSMTPServer = "smtp://abc.tld:465";
Port 465 is typically SMTPS. So change smtp:// to smtps://



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