
Am 15.01.21 um 16:15 schrieb Ludovic Marcotte (lmarco...@inverse.ca):
If you have a bug with the current beta extension please it at sogo.nu/bugs - with detailed explanations on how to reproduce it.

ok, at least for the 100% reproducable ones I put them there.

But there is a general instability with every sogo specific function and carddav functions that are like whack-a-mole, every time I try to reproduce it it is gone and comes back randomly...

> the address book module is a bit buggy
yes, especially that the default adress books are neither deletable nor renameable introduce weird effects (because default SOGo address books are named the same, at least after l10n happens)

And at least for the missing read-only address books and lists (a blocker for us) I did create feature-request-bugs in mozillas bugzilla ;-)

Greetings Lukas

Lukas Wringer

Universität Augsburg
Service & Support
86135 Augsburg

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