On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 15:04, Dave Goodrich wrote: 
> > Check out trusted_network section of Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf
> > i.e no RBL tests on trusted networks.
> "If you're running with DNS checks enabled, SpamAssassin includes code 
> to infer your trusted networks on the fly, so this may not be necessary. 
> (Thanks to Scott Banister and Andrew Flury for the inspiration for this 
> algorithm.) This inference works as follows:"
> This seems backwards to me. If a user does nothing, then his network 
> will be considered trusted by default? We are an ISP, and SA is running 
> on our toasters. I don't want any machine trusted as that leaves a door 
> open for my smtp relay users (viruses, trojans, just bad folks) to spam 
> local users.
> JMHO, but shouldn't all networks be considered untrusted unless a user 
> specifies otherwise?

I got to agree with you there - especially given that the inference
algorithm doesn't work in every environment.

                - Sean

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