At 10:53 AM 11/4/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I use spamassassin 2.63 on fedora core 2.
I have two problems :

1. Spamassassin does not flag all spam, although muy level is at 3. Sometimes he
doesn't even have ONE hit on a spam message !!!.

You're running a rather old version of SA, one which is vulnerable to a malformed message causing denial of service.

If you can't upgrade to 3.x, at minumum upgrade to 2.64.

As for accuracy:
        1) Consider installing Net::DNS so SA can query RBLs.
                (this is just done with CPAN, or a distribution package)
        2) Consider adding DCC or Razor

        3) if you're on 2.6x consider adding (built in on 3.x)
                (just wget it into /etc/mail/spamassassin and restart spamd)
        4) if you're on 2.6x consider adding the plugin (similar code built in on 3.x)
        5) if you can keep up on training, consider setting up bayes.

2. I want to move the spam messages to a specific folder, how to do that ?.

Procmail rules. See the example at:"">

Which moves mail to "
almost-certainly-spam" and
"probably-spam" mailboxes automaticaly.

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