Ok, this seems to be a *lot* more stable from a memory standpoint:

"spamd -m 3 --max-conn-per-child=3"

But now I'm seeing this in my mail logs every few seconds:

Nov 3 15:46:58 mail spamd[18881]: server hit by SIGCHLD
Nov 3 15:46:58 mail spamd[18881]: handled cleanup of child pid 21042
Nov 3 15:46:58 mail spamd[18881]: server successfully spawned child process, pid 21219

Should I worry about it? Or is this good?

It's fine but I'd try increasing your --max-conn-per-child, I found, after much experimentation, that 20 was optimal for me.



I've now gone over 24 hours without a lock up and am thinking that I've got the correct servers and --max-conn-per-child configured. However, I am seeing a lot of these entries in the error logs (about 1 every 30 seconds)...

Nov 4 11:26:31 mail spamd[14372]: server hit by SIGCHLD
Nov 4 11:26:31 mail spamd[14372]: handled cleanup of child pid 26135
Nov 4 11:26:31 mail spamd[14372]: server successfully spawned child process, pid 26615

I know Rick said not to worry about it, and I'm trying not to, but I'm wondering if anyone could explain what is happening when the SIGCHLD hits? Is it an error? Or a normal exit? Or what?

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