On Wed, 01 Nov 2017 15:11:01 +0300
ges...@blackrosetech.com wrote:

> It is when I run it on a large mailbox that it takes what seems like
> too long to complete (at least a week for 4,000 message mailbox).
> I've almost certainly configured something wrong/weird.  The rate is
> way, way below what it should be.  A hint that suggests it isn't any
> sort of processing performance issue is that CPU load barely
> registers for perl/sa-learn. 

First set

bayes_auto_expire 0

This a good idea anyway as auto-expiry can cause problems during
scanning.  Running sa-learn --force-expire from cron is better. 

I would also delete the existing database in case there is some

It's worrying that the nspam count drops to zero. It wouldn't hurt to
run smartctl -t long on the drive device followed by a full fsck. Also
check your logs for warnings.  

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