This seems to be catching most of them:

Subject: Invoice [A-Z]{2,3}\d{7}\b
...but it might need to be combined with other things to ensure no false positives, since there would be a rare legit message that would hit on this?
--Rob McEwen

On 11/8/2017 10:45 AM, Dianne Skoll wrote:

Heads-up: We're seeing weird new malware with a subject that looks like

    Invoice XXXnnnn

where XXX is two or three random upper-case letters and nnnnn is a series
of digits.  What's weird is that the Content-Type: header looks like this:

Content-Type: multXXXart/mixed

where the XXX is the same as in the subect.  That is, a message
with subject "Invoice UUI8187685" has Content-Type "multUUIart/mixed".  This
is fooling our MIME parser because it doesn't see the container as a
multipart.  Does any client software?

Anyway, might want to make rules for this.



Rob McEwen

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