Ty can you throw me a sample?  I also think I am blocking it with me and will 
post on that list about it once i analyze it a bit.

On November 8, 2017 7:45:28 AM PST, Dianne Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com> 
>Heads-up: We're seeing weird new malware with a subject that looks like
>   Invoice XXXnnnn
>where XXX is two or three random upper-case letters and nnnnn is a
>of digits.  What's weird is that the Content-Type: header looks like
>Content-Type: multXXXart/mixed
>where the XXX is the same as in the subect.  That is, a message
>with subject "Invoice UUI8187685" has Content-Type "multUUIart/mixed". 
>is fooling our MIME parser because it doesn't see the container as a
>multipart.  Does any client software?
>Anyway, might want to make rules for this.

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