On 20200710 17:02:02, Luis E. Muñoz wrote:
On 10 Jul 2020, at 12:29, @lbutlr wrote:

If people are so fragile that they have to hold on to terms that are extremely offensive to some of their peers, they will get more spam. Oh noes.

I keep hearing about this mythical people that get terribly offended by the use of these words. I've been working in IT since the 90s, and I've never actually seen one in real life. Do they really exist?


More importantly do they really matter? If they cannot take the discomfort off a word that they have translated into a false meaning I'd suggest they grow up and join the real world. Diverting resources from constructive use to a use that will introduce more points of failure in a working product for no tangible reward is counter productive.

(And over the years I've grown annoyed at the number of tools I built around spamassassin must be reinvented with updates. I finally gave up trying to keep auditing tools running. My favorite development hook from 2.x days vanished in 3.x making diagnosing rule malfunctions messier. What will this NEW nonsense bring for my endless entertainment?)


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