On 20200711 00:40:20, Luis E. Muñoz wrote:
On 10 Jul 2020, at 23:51, Bill Cole wrote:

    "Terribly offended" is not what I've heard from anyone but the issue has
    been raised by Black colleagues a few times in multiple contexts, as Yet
    Another Minor Annoyance in a world stuffed full of such little things.

Reminds me of left-handed people back when I grew up. In my time children would use chairs with integrated tables that would be fit for /either/ right- or left-handed people. Since there were more right-handed children, left-handed people would have to be more creative to adapt.

So far we know:

  * Terms such as blacklist are a minor annoyance
  * There's no evidence of "how many people have thought less of SA" because of
    the use of the term "blacklist"
  * The change has a very non-zero impact /everywhere/ the software is deployed,
    as explained by other contributors to this ML

    If you want a direct first-hand explication, hunt down the recent extended
    rant on Twitter by Jackie Singh (@find_evil) triggered by the suggestion
    that the Black Hat conference was considering a name change and the blowback
    from that.

Sure, are you talking about this?

https://twitter.com/find_evil/status/1279945071371128834 – "The only person on that list who looks anything like me is the head of infosec at Fb"

In here she posts a poll asking whether you would apply to be part of a board composing by people that don't look like you – https://twitter.com/find_evil/status/1279948068411052045

I can't answer for everybody of course, but I would not care how the current members of a group I wanted to join look. I have been part of many groups that contained people that did not look like me – professional and otherwise. Up to that point in the thread, it seems to me as someone looking for excuses. If I missed something, please point me to it.

If I continue to look at her tweets, I find examples such as this: https://twitter.com/find_evil/status/1281735488437727233 – she seems surprised that someone would want to choose compatible people to work with. I don't know her or the context, and it is not my place to pass judgement, but I sincerely hope that whomever is in charge has better justification for this change than this lady's tweet rant.

I do not know the rules under which ASF and SAP operate, but this thread is evidence that the position you are defending is far from widely shared, and to me, looks very poorly justified.

Future software? Sure. Get rid of anything remotely offensive /the next time around/. Start by not using Assassin in the name, Apache in your organization and not mentioning any colors or university degrees. For existing, deployed, critical code? Don't change things to win cookie points.

Best regards


Female and an RF engineer. Look up what it took for that through 2000. I took up SW as a sideline hobby that bloomed on its own. And I was pretty unique among the people writing video software such as used in broadcast production facilities. "Adapt". Learn to dish it out as well as take it. I watched young men doing that so I did it. It worked. I am not averse to what works.

Looks like me? Maybe one or two out of a 100 or more who were not secretaries. I learned to bare my teeth at the mere suggestion that I go get the group some coffee. I learned to look VERY scary. It worked and engendered some humor. That's how I (over)learned to be assertive. I do not demand 50% of my peers be women. I simply demand that 100% of my peers carry their load. For THAT I am a racist fascist.

Screwit do what you will folks. It just hurts to see people take careful aim at their foot and shoot.


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