In summation the Bill of Rights (1-10 amendments) protects (or is supposed to protect) the life, liberty, and property of the individual from abuse by the newly created government and are commands of the people to this governments' servants.

If I tell one child not to draw on the walls with crayons does that mean that it's okay for another child to do so? I think not! So, when the people command their government not to trample their rights, this in no way gives permission for others to do so.

It is not okay, for say, Antifa, to rob my store. Government was instituted to protect the innocent from others while not abusing the innocent itself.

The 1st Amendment is not a right, it's a command from the people to the central government. That's why it's illegitimate to say, "I have a 1st Amendment right."

The words of spammers are complete B.S. They rob people of time and money by clogging legitimate communications, email. It's like a third party continually interrupting a conversation two people are having.

Basically rights are things that my Creator has authorized me (and others) to do. Spammers are not authorized to interrupt communications between consenting parties. Their interruptions waste our livelihood. We could be spending time in more profitable endeavors. So, basically, spammers are thieves.

To Google and other social media: The terms of their establishment dictate that they cannot prevent free speech. These institutions are acting as arms of the establishment in pushing the official narrative and silencing descent.

On 11/19/2020 2:25 PM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Afternoon Everyone,

So over the years, I have gotten a lot of complaints from spammers about how I'm breaking their 1st amendment rights by blocking their spam as free speech.  I've had to explain that I'm not the government and hence there are no 1st amendment rights involved.

However, my friend, Steve Effros, just wrote a far more eloquent article about it and I thought others on this list might appreciate it: <>



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