On 11/20/20 5:02 PM, Jay Plesset wrote:
You have a right to say what you want.

s/You have/You (largely) have/

There are specific things that are forbidden by law. E.g. yelling fire in a movie theater when there isn't a fire.

I have a right to ignore you.

Hear! Hear!

Also, it's my /personal/ and /private/ email server. /I/ will run it the way that /I/ want to. If that means that I decide not to accept your email, then so be it.

I'm /not/ preventing you from sending your email to anyone else. Ergo I'm in no way, shape, or form, infringing on on you. Though it is sort of ironic that thousands of other email administrators also think like I do and are deciding not to accept your messages.


Spam filtering allows me to exercise my right to ignore you.


Grant. . . .
unix || die

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