if you are using RH based Linux distros, just put the attached configuration file under /etc/mail/spamassassin/channels.d/

On 12/14/2020 1:27 PM, AJ Weber wrote:
Apologies for the naive question;  I'm running CentOS 7, SA 3.4.3.  I don't have that channels.d directory by default.  I've been running a more traditional cron update:

9 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/sa-update --gpgkey 6C6191E3 --channel updates.spamassassin.org && /etc/init.d/spamassassin restart

Can I simplify by putting a conf file for the default updates and the KAM updates config into that location, then just run "sa-update && spamassassin restart" in cron?

Thanks for any tips.

On 15.12.20 14:30, Bowie Bailey wrote:
You can run it like this:

/usr/local/bin/sa-update --channelfile /path/to/channelfile.txt --gpgkeyfile /path/to/keyfile.txt

The channelfile.txt contains one channel per line and the keyfile.txt contains one key id per line.

yes, the question in this case is why doesn't AJ have
/etc/mail/spamassassin/channels.d/ directory. Maybe the SA 3.4.3 does not come from CentOS repository.

I believe SA or at least package maintainers should support external update

Also, you often neet to reload spamd or amavisd, which apparently should not
be done independently by multiple cron jobs...

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