Hey all.

Had another hangup last night.

My full log is at http://www.gushi.org/maillog2.txt (but only for the next 24 or so...don't need to leave that out in the open).

Scroll down to about "Mar  9 07:13:00" to see what happens.

I'm noting a few things. First, almost all of the locked up messages are caused by emails going to either user madge or user tinsc (there is no santa claus, heh). I looked at their .procmailrc -- it does NOT appear that I can get those messages for analysis, but I've modified it and let them know. Something specific to those messages is causing SA (or something it calls) to lock up HARD.

[Begin Rant]

This would be why I keep asking for a status display -- so I could tell what test these things are hanging on, at a glance, because from BBBBBBBBIBIBIBBIBIBBIB I really have no idea of what's been busy how long doing what, how many messages that child has served, what its average load is, which "B" is working on which message, or what their memory/CPU usages are. If it comes down to someone being paid to write the module, I'm at this point willing to pay a couple hundred bucks to have someone knowledgable in SA internals do it. I've made the offer before -- I'm an OKAY coder, but don't have a clue as to this codebase.

Some kind of a signal handler that would cause the child to dump its message to stdout would be good too.


Note all the similar messageIDs:


and so on.

The __alarm__ messages (some WITH ignore, some not) start up at around
"Mar  9 07:14:54"

They continued until I got into the office today at 2PM.

Also, what's the best way to get a snapshot of 3.1.1?



Hate fedora with a white hot burning passion right now though ... damn thing is 

-Bill Nolan

--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
Site:  http://www.gushi.org

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