>>MS Exchange... one big Database


And that is one reason why I wouldn't touch this SQL idea with a 10 foot
pole.. the fact that Exchange works this way only proves my point... I hear
all the time about Exchange servers crashing and the administrator having to
rebuild the database while the mail server is down for the next 10 hours.

The bottom line is that using a SQL DB backend as mail storage is putting
all your eggs in one basket.

I have a much simpler solution to accomplish the problem that this was idea
was originally attempting to solve... simply place the spams that are caught
in a folder on the mail server that is accessible via webmail. Then create a
separate program to periodically enumerate through the spam folder in all
the accounts on the server to delete spams over X days old.

If needed, you could still have a database with the basic info about the
spams (date received, subject line, recipients, from, message file name,
etc) to use for e-mailing "digests" to the user... and this DB's stability
wouldn't then have to be tied to the overall reliability/stability of mail

Also keep in mind that SQL doesn't always mean better performance... I've
seen many web sites that deliver content dynamically from a SQL database
backend where there were noticeably large delays between page loads, for

Rob McEwen
PowerView Systems

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