Excuse my ignorance, but I have seen mention of raising scores for Bayes_99, Bayes_95, and I have several SPAM messages that are trigerring Bayes_50 but are getting a score of 0.00.  What are the differences between these and how do I go about raising the scores?  I can't seem to find any documentation, so if you can point me at some I would greatly appreciate it!



On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 20:12 -0700, jdow wrote:
Tao, make sure your Bayes tests are working correctly. Then raise the
score for BAYES_99 almost to 5, if it is not hitting more than one
item ultimately scored as ham per day, and slightly boost the BAYES_95
score. With that and a nice juicy selection of SARE rules 5 is a rather
nice number to work with. Those two changes are what has caused 5.0
to be such a good choice here. Very VERY little ham reaches 5.0. And
most spam is above 6.5 or 7 with about one or two in 100 under 6.5.

Without the well trained Bayes I don't think I'd be doing near as well
as I am at the moment.

(The other trick involves a small set of meta rules that fires if I
have a mailing list that is "open" and gets some spam flowing through
it. This amplifies the difference from the BAYES_50 score for most of
the other BAYES_xxx scores. This one change killed off most of the
errors I was getting from things like the FreeBSD, LKML, and other
such mailing lists. I should write it up and share it through SARE
pretty soon. I am pretty happy with it right now, although it is
awkward to maintain. It may need a plugin to snarf up the list of
list identifier tests that should be used at a given site.)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tao Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi, John
> Now I understand what MIME_BOUND_RKFINDY mean. It means my email is
> generated by Indy component.  And I have some misuse of the Indy component
> that it gen the html email is not so clean. Once I fix it, my email score
> from 2.4 downto 0.5!
> And I think I will keep my cutoff score as 2 because I get so many spam
> every day and some of them just score 2.3!
> Cheers,
> Tao
> On 7/27/06, John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wednesday 26 July 2006 20:16, Tao Lin wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am using SpamAssassin 3.0.3 with Exim 3.35 under Debian woody. When
>> > I send a test html email to my own mail server, SpamAssassin treat it
>> > as a spam. Here is the message header:
>> >  version=3.0.3
>> > X-Spam-Report:
>> >  *  2.7 MIME_BOUND_RKFINDY Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary (rfkindy)
>> > ======================================================
>> >
>> > I don't why my email score so high on MIME_BOUND_RKFINDY, and what it
>> > mean. How can I make my html email get through the SpamAssassin?
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> You can find out what the tests are here:
>> http://spamassassin.apache.org/tests_3_1_x.html
>> Your cutoff is pretty low:
>> >X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=2.4 required=2.0
>> Your cutoff is less than half the recommended 5.0.  You will be
>> rejecting a lot of valid mail (as you have seen).
>> --
>> _____________________________________
>> John Andersen
> -- 
> Tao Lin

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