On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:56:27 -0700, Marc Perkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm writing a paper that I'm submitting to an Internet Governance
> Forum of the United Nations. Keeping in mind that free speech and
> freedom is important, what would you change in the world to stop
> spam? I'm looking for things that are actually possible and
> practical. Suggestions can be anthing. My thoughts include things
> like requiring ISPs to provide better firewalls for end users,
> requiring Microsoft to provide more hack protection even for
> pirated versions of windows, ways to keep people from impersonating
> other users, evolving the SMTP protocol ....
> Looking for more ideas. Paper is due tomorrow.
Look for social and societal solutions. Spammers keep pace with every
technological method.

"Our" greatest failure is that we have not promulgated the notion that
purchasing goods and services from spammers is subsidizing criminals.
It is not - and should be - socially unacceptable to buy from
spammers. When have you ever seen a public service advertisement -
on any medium - regarding this issue?

BTW, we are completely non-commercial so may I suggest that those who
have sites provide a link to http://boulderpledge.org ?

Our DNSBL - Eliminate Spam at the Source: http://www.TQMcube.com
               Don't Subsidize Criminals: http://boulderpledge.org

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