qqqq wrote:
| Just to clarify here.... You are talking about doing something like:
| domain.com   1200   IN   MX   10  smtp-1.domain.com
| domain.com   1200   IN   MX    50  smtp-2.domain.com
| You all are saying that most of the spam should be coming in MX 50 right?
| I have to admit I've tried this, but it seems like mail continues to
| come into the MX 50 even when the primary servers are available.    Is
| it not correct that the 50 should NOT be tried until the 10 is
| unavailable?  Or do I have that backwards?

You have it right. Unfortunately, mail still hits the lowest priority server based on my experience even when the Primary is up and running.


Some spammers target the highest MX record because the backup servers usually have less spam filtering than the regular server. What I do is point my highest MX to an IP that returns a 4xx error on everything and I get rid of hundreds of thousands of spams a day without hardly any system load.

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