Title: RE: mail bounce warning for the list

Alright, I'll reply to this.

I outright block using RBLs, and spamcop is one of them. Here's the deal:

Senders get a response of the messege being blocked! It is also logged.

The amount of legit mail anually blocked can be counted on two hands. And we use it to better relations with customers/vendors who are blocked. I contact them and inform them about their listing and how to attempt to get unlisted. They have been very greatful for the help!

9 out of 10 times when a user tells me they didn't receive an email someone sent, the sender was lieing! I love looking thru the logs just to prove that point. Feed them a plate of humble pie.

I can instantly whitelist and bypass any domain, and I do once there is a problem. My boss does actually care about our customers/vendors being listed. He likes the idea I help them.

This isn't the best idea for a large ISP, but for companies I see no problem rejecting on RBLs when you have a trained administrator.

So I am "getting what I deserve", and I love it.


Chris Santerre
SysAdmin and Spamfighter

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