

            I'm running SpamAssassin 3.1.3 on Qmail.


99% of the spam that is processed by SA has the subject header rewritten. A
few times a day however, there are spams that get processed by SA, and do
not have the 'detected spam' string in the subject. In these spam there are
two Subject lines - the first being the original subject and the second is
the string that identifies an email as spam in the subject. 'The
X-Spam-Prev-Subject' header says '(nonexistant)' which is not the case at


Here are two links to the headers of two of these spams: spam_1
<http://boxmodel.com/spam.txt>  spam_2 <http://boxmodel.com/more_spam.txt> 


            I'd really appreciate any advice that this group could give me
to help me resolve this issue. Much thanks in advance.



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