For certain kinds of spam, it would be advantageous to have a highly
dynamic set of rules (eg stock spams). The usual methods (à la sa-update)
are usually slow - slow as in "once or twice a day"; however I think it
would make sense to have them fast - fast as in "continuously updated".

As such, DNS could be used as a transport mechanism with reasonably chosen
TTLs. As most rules are not that huge, they would usually fit into a
single TXT record. Updating these rules through DNS would allow efficient
"flood fill" distribution combined with DNS' cacheing characteristics.

A number of formats for querying are possible; maybe it could look
something like:  IN TXT "header"  IN TXT "Subject =~ /foo/i" IN TXT "0.947"  IN TXT "Match foo in the subject" IN TXT "nice"

Does this make sense? Would this improve effectiveness? How could such
rules by dynamically "inserted" into a running SpamAssassin process (eg
spamd or amavis)?

-- Matthias

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