For the purposes of development, I would like to run 5+ separate copies
of spamd on the same host to test different settings.  I would like to
be able to have a different config for each instance.  It this possible?

More specifically, I would like to test different threshold levels,
different rule sets, tie some of the instances into lookup's, etc.  My
goal is to process each incoming email against each of these instances
to see what the primary differences are.

Here is what we currently do.  We have 5 instances setup in xen, each
running with a specific config.  From the incoming MTA we make a
separate call to each remote spamd instance.  This works great but I
would like to consolidate this down to 1 server.  Performance is not an
issue as this processes only a couple dev emails at a time.

Any advice on the best approach for this? 

Gary Wayne Smith

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