I received a spam yesterday with two different scores (one directly to me,
one to a webmaster account that forwards to me).

This was very odd, because the scores were quite different. I understand
differences in the AWL and Bayes scores, due to being processed with
different user directories (actually, domain directories in this
implementation of 3.1.7). However, there are some other tests that are
coming out differently, depending on the user specified. All have identical
user_prefs (completely null) with the exception of some whitelist_from's.

Setup is  spamc/spamd, so the following analysis data were obtained by 4
calls to spamc with different parameters:

>spamc -p 785 -s 500000 -u bydanjohnson   < \tmp\Dtestnews.smd >
>spamc -p 785 -s 500000 -u kitepilot      < \tmp\Dtestnews.smd >
>spamc -p 785 -s 500000 -u LMFP           < \tmp\Dtestnews.smd >
>spamc -p 785 -s 500000 -u visioncomm.net < \tmp\Dtestnews.smd >

Where do I begin to look to understand what's happening? I understand the
lines with an asterisk in column 1.
 spamassassin --lint is fine, as is
 spamassassin -p <various user directories> --lint, if that is even supposed
to work<g>.

Summaries from the spamc output (- indicates the test did not fire. It's
included so non-proportional fonts and/or line wraps don't mess up the

*-u                      B      K      L      V
*Score                   3.3    5.2    2.9    7.3
*AWL                     0.712  -      0.390  0.629
*BAYES_80                -      2      -      -
*BAYES_99                -      -      -      3.5
 FORGED_RCVD_HELO        -      0.135  -      0.135
 HTML_50_60              -      0.134  -      0.134
*HTML_MESSAGE            0.001  0.001  0.001  0.001
 HTML_TAG_EXIST_TBODY    0.126  -      0.126  -
 MIME_HTML_MOSTLY        0.699  1.102  0.699  1.102
 MPART_ALT_DIFF          0.137  -      0.137  -
 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET  1.332  1.558  1.332  1.558
*URIBL_GREY              0.25   0.25   0.25   0.25

Notice that some of the rules use different scores for the same tests (Mime
mostly and Spamcop). That's got to be a hint to somebody<g>.

Thanks in Advance;

Dan Barker

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