On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 08:38:48 -0700, Jerry Durand

>On Jun 29, 2007, at 8:30 AM, -- [ UxBoD ] -- wrote:
>> Same here :(
>He announces a new, super dandy spam killing plugin and you think he  
>wouldn't get a DoS attack?
>That's what happens when you do good work.  :(

True - but there's more of us than there are of them. OK, we play
catch-up, but the user base is worldwide and there are some very, very
sharp people doing the hard work. I guess the best we can do is
support them however we can... unless we want to be inundated with
spam. Ha! - my stats for year to date run at 82 ish% spam. Since
that's spam stopped I reckon SA isn't doing too badly at all -
admittedly not as much gets through to SA - a lot is stopped by
various 'toys' my MTA has but SA still accounts for a hell of a lot.

Even so - life without SA....?

McDonalds applications anyone? :-D

Kind regards


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