> MK> I'll be happy to change my assumptions, but can you name any good reason
> MK> why they would want to do so?
> The Matt theme: restrict oneself from getting mail from any but a few
> safe people, languages, or whatever. Life goes on in its familiar grey
> days. But alas, the software knows best.
Erm.. No. The Matt theme is to only add options if they have a use. I
have yet to see a sensible argument for this..

> The jidanni theme: open up life to a rainbow of possibilities. New
> styles, new friends, new colors. Don't let the minor fact that we
> filter out a tiny part of the spectrum cause us to miss out on new
> contacts from who knows where.
At that point, set ok_locales to all because you might miss out on new
contacts from that tiny spectrum too.

Also, how will you benefit from contact with this broader spectrum if
they're emailing you in a character set you can't read?

Now really. Can you make a serious argument why this configuration
option would be useful. I'm being serious here. I honestly don't see a
valid need for the option.

And those who really want this effect can just list every locale except
the one they dislike, if that's really what they want.

> Anyway, currently it's not even like one could just use "--" to obtain
> "+". And even if it was, our basic user is still looking for his
> blacklist_locales.
Is he really? Or does he think ok_locales = whitelist_locales?

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