Matthew Goodman wrote:
A downgrade to SpamAssassin 3.2.3 returns functionality with per-user
settings immediately. Any notes on what handle_user does and whether this is
a new function of 3.2.4?
It's not new. In fact, it was introduced into spamd somewhere between SA 1.3 (October 2001) and SA 1.5 (December 2001) and has remained ever since. handle_user is simply a function that handles setuid'ing the spamd process to the specified userid.

Well, technically, there isn't a single "handle_user" anymore.. there's many of them:

sub handle_user_setuid_basic {
sub handle_user_set_user_prefs {
sub handle_user_sql {
sub handle_user_ldap {
sub handle_user_setuid_with_sql {
sub handle_user_setuid_with_ldap {

The message you posted appears in 4 different spots in the spamd code.

handle_user_setuid_basic contains it twice and handle_user_setuid_with_sql and handle_user_setuid_with_ldap each contain it once.

There's been some change in this area of the code. Those changes appear to have been made as a part of this bugfix:

Not sure if it's related, but seems likely.

I'd like to find out more about handle_user as it seems to be specific to


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