On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 03:31:34 am mouss wrote:
> James Gray wrote:
> > Why are rules that look up against this list still in the base of
> > SpamAssassin?? The SORBS dynamic list is so poorly maintained that
> > it's practically useless and if you are an unfortunate who ends up
> > incorrectly listed in it, good luck getting off it!  Case at hand, the
> > company I work for purchased a /19 address block directly from APNIC
> > before anyone else had it (IOW, we were the first users of that block).
> >
> > We now have both our external mail IP's listed in SORBS_DUL despite
> > the fact the /24 they belong to, and the /24's on either side have
> > NEVER been part of a dynamic pool.  SORBS refuse to delist them as our
> > MX records are different to these outgoing mail servers!  FFS - we run
> > managed services for a number of ISP's why the hell would we *want* to
> > munge all our inbound and outbound mail through the same IP's?!?
> >
> > Seriously folks, can we make SORBS_DUL optional and not "on by
> > default" in the general distribution?
> If you have a complaint, provide _evidence_. otherwise, it goes to
> /dev/troll0.
> while you are at it, fix your DNS. your domain has been succesfully
> submitted to rfci (boguxms):
>     http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/tools/lookup.php?domain=gray.net.au

I forgot to mention: thanks for getting me listed on rfci too:

$ dig -x
--8<-- snipped --8<-- 
;; ANSWER SECTION: 85430 IN    PTR     ouzoud.netoyen.net.

As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.
                -- Shakespeare, "King Lear"

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