Matt Kettler wrote:
James Gray wrote:

Sorbs sux, don't use it. Last time we had this problem they wanted money (and not an insignificant amount either) to remove a listing from their systems. They arbitrarily add addresses to a database the IP's owner can't control, then demand money to remove the listing; where I come from, that's called extortion.
SORBS is an Australian entity, so they're "local" to you, at least in a legal system sense.. If it is extortion in your legal system, you might want to take advantage of that fact.

Yes I'm aware of that :-/ Embarrassing isn't it? Unfortunately, being on SORBS_DUL doesn't impact us directly, and despite the claims that removal is free, th reality is proving to be quite different.

Regardless, what matters from a spamassassin perspective is the accuracy of the list. That's the primary criteria that will get a list kicked out.

Indeed. Having not used SORBS, and not missing them, I have no stats of my own to confirm or deny the accuracy of the list. Only that our IP blocks have been listed and we have been given no explanation why; only that we must overhaul our DNS and MTA systems to suit SORBS, then maybe they will delist us.

SORBS-DUL is one of the most accurate RBLs spamassassin uses in the mass-check tests. 99.4% of its hits are spam. This beats out all other RBLs in spamassassin's config except PBL (which ties it), XBL, and 4 lists with very low hit rates that wound up with no nonspam hits.

See above.

If it's really as arbitrary and random as you claim, how's it so accurate in real world tests?

No idea. I'd hazard a guess that the previous admin's actions at some point got us listed; but he's moved to the opposite side of the country and the silence from SORBS as to why we were listed in the first place leaves me with one of two conclusions: previous admin screwed up royally (possible but unlikely), SORBS listed our IP's without fair justification.

Personally, it sounds like they listed you, and you've got a personal beef. The real world tests don't support your claims that it's operated on an arbitrary basis.

I've just got customers (ISP's) on my back to get the MTA's IPs off the list. SORBS are being about as unco-operative as I've ever experienced in my years as an admin. My frustrations are firmly aimed at the one body that is causing me pain: SORBS. When all this is over, I still wont use SORBS :)

We've crossed paths on other lists Matt, thanks for your objectivism. I need sleep and some quiet (from the customers and management) so maybe some of comment regarding SORBS have been a little harsh. Interestingly the customers (mostly APAC ISP wholesalers) *all* have similar opinions of SORBS as an entity to interact with.



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