Ned Slider wrote:
>First up, from Mike's inspiration above, I came up with these:

I took your rule and added some meta rules to it. I'm getting hits on phishes, but I haven't seen any legitimate traffic hit it. This may be that I have not seen any real bank mail or it could be that it misses it completely.

I don't have time to test it fully right now, so play at your peril.

header __LOCAL_BANK_0 eval:check_rbl_sub('dnswl-firsttrusted', '127.0.2.\d+')
describe __LOCAL_BANK_0       Banks
tflags  __LOCAL_BANK_0         nice net

header __LOCAL_BANK_1 eval:check_rbl_sub('dnswl-firsttrusted', '127.0.3.\d+')
describe __LOCAL_BANK_1      Email service providers
tflags __LOCAL_BANK_1        nice net

header __LOCAL_BANK_2 eval:check_rbl_sub('dnswl-firsttrusted', '127.0.4.\d+')
describe __LOCAL_BANK_2      Organisations
tflags __LOCAL_BANK_2        nice net

header __LOCAL_BANK_3 eval:check_rbl_sub('dnswl-firsttrusted', '127.0.15.\d+')
describe __LOCAL_BANK_3      Email Marketing Providers
tflags __LOCAL_BANK_3        nice net

header LOCAL_FROM_BANK From:addr =~ /\@(abbey|abbeyinternational|abbeynational|abbey-online|alliance-leicester|bankofamerica|barclays|cahoot|cbonline|ci
describe    LOCAL_FROM_BANK        From a bank

score           LOCAL_BANK_OK  -0.1

score           LOCAL_BANK_BAD  0.1


Mike Cardwell wrote:
Marc Perkel wrote:

Or maybe I'm trying to reinvent a wheel someone already has up and
running :-)

a bank without SPF or DKIM signing is NOT worth using

Yes - but I think what he's saying is that you have to start with a list of bank domains, the test those domains with higher scrutiny.

Does such a list exist? One of my users was getting a lot of spam pretending to be from banks. I ended up just compiling a regular expression to match against the from header of the emails:


It's far from comprehensive obviously, but it covers most of what he was receiving.

If that regular expression matches, and the connecting host is in a list of what I refer to as "dodgy countries," then I reject the email.

OK, time for some rules to get this thread back on track :)

First up, from Mike's inspiration above, I came up with these:

header LOCAL_FROM_BANK From:addr =~ /\@(abbey|abbeyinternational|abbeynational|abbey-online|alliance-leicester|bankofamerica|barclays|cahoot|cbonline|citibank|co-operativebank|egg|firstdirect|halifax|hbos|hsbc|lloydstsb|llyodstsb|natwest|nationwide|newegg|neweggbank|northernbank|rbs|secure-halifax|woolwich|ybonline)\.(com|co\.uk)/i
describe    LOCAL_FROM_BANK        From a bank

header LOCAL_FROM_BANK_NET From:addr =~ /\@(abbey|abbeyinternational|abbeynational|abbey-online|alliance-leicester|bankofamerica|barclays|cahoot|cbonline|citibank|co-operativebank|egg|firstdirect|halifax|hbos|hsbc|lloydstsb|llyodstsb|natwest|nationwide|newegg|neweggbank|northernbank|rbs|secure-halifax|woolwich|ybonline)\.net/i
describe    LOCAL_FROM_BANK_NET    Banks don't send from .net

header LOCAL_FROM_BANK_OBF From:addr =~ /\@(abbey|abbeyinternational|abbeynational|abbey-online|alliance-leicester|bankofamerica|barclays|cahoot|cbonline|citibank|co-operativebank|egg|firstdirect|halifax|hbos|hsbc|lloydstsb|llyodstsb|natwest|nationwide|newegg|neweggbank|northernbank|rbs|secure-halifax|woolwich|ybonline)[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5}\.(com|co\.uk|net)/i
describe    LOCAL_FROM_BANK_OBF    From an obfuscated bank like domain

Hopefully the last two are self explanatory, and with the first I chose to only test the primary domain (as opposed to Mike's example above) as I notice this matches the vast majority of phishing examples I'm seeing, and most legitimate bank emails appear to be sent From subdomains (eg, email.bank.com) so shouldn't trigger false positives on this rule.

Maybe they could be further split into domains known never to send legitimate mail to allow for higher scoring.

Now for some URI rules I've been experimenting with, again originating from what I've observed in phishing examples, but maybe more widely applicable (UK examples given but feel free to adapt to your country/tld of choice):

uri        LOCAL_URI_PHISH_UK    m{https?://.{1,40}\.(ac|co|gov)\.uk\.\w}
describe LOCAL_URI_PHISH_UK contains obfuscated UK phish link of form example.co.uk.something

uri        LOCAL_URI_PHISH_UK2    m{https?://.{1,40}\.(ac|co|gov)-uk\.\w}
describe LOCAL_URI_PHISH_UK2 contains obfuscated UK phish link of form example.co-uk.something

uri LOCAL_URI_PHISH_UK3 m{https?://.{1,40}/.{1,60}\.(ac|co|gov)\.uk} describe LOCAL_URI_PHISH_UK3 contains obfuscated UK phish link of form example.com/bank.co.uk

uri        LOCAL_URI_HIDDEN_DIR    m{https?://.{1,40}/\.\w}
describe LOCAL_URI_HIDDEN_DIR contains hidden directory of form example.com/.something

The first two I've been running for a while and they pretty much catch what they are intended to (I think that SA contains a similar rule for .com already). The third rule is something I'm just testing and may be prone to FPs, and the fourth might be indicative of a hacked server with a hidden phishing directory.

Any comments?

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