LuKreme wrote:
> On 16-May-2009, at 02:43, Yet Another Ninja wrote:
>> On 5/13/2009 9:33 AM, Yet Another Ninja wrote:
>>> Assuming Henrik may appreciate some stats, even if minimal like below:
>>> Yesterday's hits:
>>> grep EMAILBL    /var/log/maillog.1  | wc -l
>>> 1263
>> Friday's count:
>> grep 'is spam'    /var/log/maillog.1  | wc -l
>> 22397
>> grep EMAILBL    /var/log/maillog.1  | wc -l
>> 1891
> grep EMAILBL /var/log/maillog.1 | grep -v "is spam" | wc -l
> ??

How is that going to work if you are telling grep to output everything
that does NOT contain "is spam" (-v = select non-matching lines)?

Why not simply:

   grep -c EMAILBL /var/log/maillog.1

If all you want is the count of how many messages contained a hit from
"EMAILBL", the above will give you that.


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