On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 03:17:12PM -0400, Kevin Parris wrote:
> Well I suppose you could always take the product that you dislike so badly
> back to the store and ask for a refund of your purchase price.  Sometimes
> it really amazes me how much, and how severely, some people will gripe
> about free products that exist only because other people volunteer their
> time to a project.

Always someone comes up with this. Sure, it's a good general philosophy. But
the issue here is very simple. Hopefully the maintainer thinks a bit and
comes to the same conclusion. Whether the reason for this whole mess is lack
of knowledge, hardheadness or just taking the comments badly, some common
sense should apply. This is not a case of KDE vs Gnome or some other "view
of direction". If it is, then I've lost hope for this particular coder. Note
the word coder - nothing against or for the person itself.

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