>> Well I suppose you could always take the product that you dislike so
>> badly back to the store and ask for a refund of your purchase price.
>> Sometimes it really amazes me how much, and how severely, some people
>> will gripe about free products that exist only because other people
>> volunteer their time to a project.
> Exactly! Well said.
> I'm sure John might be happier to stay awake later and work on it for a
> hour or so each night as a 'priority'  *IF* Bill was willing to pay
> John for his time, but I suspect not somehow, as it is far easier to come
> on a mailing list and have a temper tantrum like an 5yo kid.

Maybe your opinion would carry some weight if you had even a little bit of
a clue about what you are talking about.  How long have you been on this
list?  How much effort have you put into debugging this plugin issue? 
Were you even remotely involed in the process of coming up with a patch
for the issue?  Do you even use the botnet plugin yourself and experienced
the issue?  How many times have you assisted new botnet users that are
facing the timeout issue and provided them a link to the patch over the
past 2 years?  How many open source projects do you support directly
yourself?  Are you actually giving anything back to the community that you
gain so much benefit from, or are you just an occasional lurker that
sometimes feels the need to express his opinion about something/anything
(whether you actually know anything about it or not) because you have
nothing better to do?

Next time get a clue before you willy nilly jump in on a thread and start
flapping about something you really know nothing about!


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