> On Fri, 10 Jul 2009, Terry Carmen wrote:
>>> Because of Apache.org spam filters I can't send here my message about
>>> spammers again:
>> . . .
>>> http://pastebin.com/f6a83e9fb
>> I'm new to this list, and may be missing something obvious, but this
>> looks like a great candidate for a firewall "DROP" rule.
>> Is there any reason you don't just drop the packets instead of wasting
>> time deciding if they're spam?
> Those IPs are for the website in the body URI, not the IP sending the
> mail.

OK, thanks.

I thought the OP was receiving unwanted mail from a few IPs.

All the supplied domain names have a DNS server in China. It might be worth it
to create a rule to based on the link's DNS server's location (Geo IP Lookup).


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