Terry Carmen a écrit :
>> On Sat, 1 Aug 2009 19:33:40 -0400
>> "Terry Carmen" <te...@cnysupport.com> wrote:
>>> The backscatter would not have been received, since the sender is on
>>> a number of RBLs.
>> It's the IP address of the botnet PC that's on the RBLs, the backscatter
>> doesn't come from there, it comes from the recipients of the spam.
>> See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backscatter_(e-mail)
> Regardless of whether or not the message was backscatter, The sending system
> (triband-mum- is blacklisted,

- bot at triband-* sent junk to silly.server.example.
- silly.server.example didn't reject it. instead it bounced it to OP
- the bounce includes infos about which host sent the original junk to
silly.server.example, and this is triband-*

so for OP, this is backscatter, and RBL/DNSBL is of no help.

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