Hi Jadinni,

> >>>>> "MM" == Michael Mansour <m...@npgx.com.au> writes:
> MM> Why couldn't the mailing list filters simply whitelist your 
> email address or MM> whitelist people automatically subscribed to 
> the mailing list? Yes, but that's beside the point. That is not 
> solving the bad thing you guys are doing.

?? I'm a user just like you are.

> MM> The world isn't perfect and the only way to get things changed 
> is to complaint MM> and/or do something about it yourself. But to 
> blanket criticise rules that MM> many sites are using worldwide 
> doesn't really make sense to me.
> You guys are doing something wrong. Maybe you think that every 
> country is like the USA or something. You blew it. Your rules are wrong.

I'm not in the USA, I'm in Australia. Our laws are some of the strictest in
the world and our ISP's take action on users within their networks that spam. 

I didn't write the rules, I'm just a user of them.

> MM> It may not be your fault you're using an ISP which is known to 
> generate spam MM> and/or have lax rules in combating spam from it's 
> users, but if you know the MM> problems with the ISP and you 
> continue to use them then how can you complain MM> here? you need to 
> complain to the ISP.
> Yes I am using the wires of that Telephone Company. But at the first
> chance my mail gets, it leaves those wires and heads for the 
> smarthost in the USA in order to cleanse its sins of having come 
> from an unfamiliar country. But for you guys, once you are a Negro 
> you are always a Negro or something. Please fix your rules. You are demanding
> one use certain physical carriers irrespective of ISP.



> I'm not using the ISP to send SMTP.
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