On Thu, 2010-01-28 at 10:35 +0800, jida...@jidanni.org wrote:

> Yes, but that's beside the point. That is not solving the bad thing
> you guys are doing.

Eh? stopping spammers is a bad thing now hey...

> MM> The world isn't perfect and the only way to get things changed is to 
> complaint
> MM> and/or do something about it yourself. But to blanket criticise rules that
> MM> many sites are using worldwide doesn't really make sense to me.
> You guys are doing something wrong. Maybe you think that every country
> is like the USA or something. You blew it. Your rules are wrong.

oh right  we bad, bad bad bad, how DARE we put measures in place to stop
spamming scum

> Yes I am using the wires of that Telephone Company. But at the first
> chance my mail gets, it leaves those wires and heads for the smarthost
> in the USA in order to cleanse its sins of having come from an
> unfamiliar country. But for you guys, once you are a Negro you are
> always a Negro or something. Please fix your rules. You are demanding
> one use certain physical carriers irrespective of ISP.

what racist rot.

I too are not an American (NEWSFLASH: like at least half or more of this
list). a person can not change the colour of their skin (WOW about the
only thing you said that did not make me piss myself in laughter)
however a country that does not care about its residents  spamming  CAN
change,  yet TW has failed to do so.  Even China has in recent years
taken great steps to clean up their act, if you want change, it must
start at the top, petition your government to get off its lazy ass and
do something about its spamming residents, clean up their act, and in
time to come TW, like CN has recently found, many places just might once
again start accepting your mail.

Don't you dare sit there having a childish dummy spit accusing everyone
here to be wrong by denying access or adding a substantial score to a
well known spammer friendly country. 

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